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Carbon neutral

Danone’s Actimel range now claims to be carbon neutral in France and Belgium.

However their claim lacks transparency about the amount of emissions they’ve reduced, stating simply they are ‘working closely with dairy farmers to help them reduce their emissions as much as possible’. A recent report by Changing Markets Foundation and IATP calculated Danone’s emissions as 11.2 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (this includes other greenhouse gases such as potent methane gas but is measured in comparison to carbon dioxide).

The basis for this claim lies primarily in offsetting, or what they call ‘compensating’. Offsetting projects, whether that’s through nature restoration or energy projects, are unreliable and difficult to measure and as such are a false solution to emissions reductions. Using offsets to claim a specific product is carbon neutral can also be misleading to consumers, who expect real emissions reductions with such claims.

Doesn't reflect full life cycle
