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Carbon neutral

Aldi claims to be carbon neutral, certified by Climate Partner, but ignores its biggest source of emissions - those coming from the products it sells.

They have taken some positive steps by installing renewable energy at some of their stores and distribution centres – 395 solar panel systems in total, although this doesn’t say anything about the size of systems or amount of energy produced – and have also upgraded their cooling systems. In total they claim to have reduced their emissions per square metre of sales floor by 50% since 2012. This figure is misleading though as Aldi itself has grown its business since 2012, meaning their overall emissions will have grown.

These claims are also misleading because ultimately the majority of Aldi’s emissions will come from their supply chains, known as scope 3 emissions.

What’s more, they are still heavily reliant on offsetting even for the emissions within their calculations. Through Climate Partner, they state they fund forest protection in Peru, water purification in India, biogas in Vietnam and the rollout of clean cook stoves in Ghana. However they provide no data on emissions to support this. What’s more, offsetting is unreliable and difficult to measure and as such is a false solution to the emissions and climate impact of products

Doesn't reflect full life cycle
